I'm going to focus more on the storage of images rather than copying them from your smartphone. I'm still using sweech on Android and Air Transfer on iOS. Both of these copy the images from your smartphone to a PC with no change in file names or file size.
This post isn't about absolute backups. I've covered that here and here.
This post is about storage and sharing of images.
Dropbox has pretty much removed itself from consideration.
Google Photos has tons of bells and whistles for presentation and content but sharing is still a struggle. The most direct way is to create a link per album and share it with and individual via e-mail or text. There is some controversy about privacy but I believe it is overblown. Decide for yourself.
And with Google Photos' "Upload size" set to "High quality" storage is free but the images are significantly resized, around 40%. Setting "Upload size" to "Original" eliminates that but will quickly exhaust your storage limits.
What I found was Shutterfly.
I like the price - free.
The size is unchanged and the meta data is unchanged except for the OS date stamps.
I like it.